Where to even begin with Halle. Halle is the most complex 5 year old girl I've EVER met in my life! She is the sassiest, sweetest, girliest, tom-boy you'll ever meet. She has always acted so much older than she is, maybe that's to go w/ the fact that she's always looked 2 years older than she really is. As I was going through all of the pictures w/ Halle in them, I noticed that over 3/4ths of them are Halle hugging or holding one of her brothers...that's Halle. She has always been so maternal and such a great big sister. She adores her family, especially her Grandmas'! She loves to be outside, fishing, camping, and going on picnics with our family. Some of my favorite things she did as a little kid is call bumble bees, "bum bum bees". When we were potty training her, her motivation was gum. She couldn't have it until she actually pooped on the toilet so every day she'd go up to chris and say, "Daddy, don't eat my poop gum, k?
Just recently I had to go to our neighbors house and have a talk w/ our neighbor about Halle peeing on their lawn. They were swimming, she didn't want to walk home ( 2 houses down), so she did what any sensible girl would do....she pulled off the swimsuit and peed. She seriously cracks me up! I'm so grateful for this adorable little girl in my life and the sweet little spirit she has. Our family would not be the same without her...you know, since she runs the show! As frustrating as she can be sometimes Chris and I have said many times that we wouldn't change anything about her, we love her so much and just the way she is. Sass and all.