My husband is great! He constantly gives me the comic relief from life that I need every day! The other night as we were getting ready for bed we had the following conversation:
Chris: "You know how I've been getting a lot of headaches lately?"
Me: "Yeah"
Chris:"I think I've figured out why"
Me:"Could it be because you've been reading book after book the last 3 weeks?"
Chris:"Nope, in my book that I've been reading, the men start having a lot of headaches when they've discovered that they are wizards! Carrie, I'm a wizard."
Me:"Well, where do we go from here?"
Chris:"We have to find me a sorcerer to fully release my powers".
Me:"I'll get on that. I'll call all of my potential sorcerer friends to get your powers released"......we laugh.....then laugh even harder at how ridiculous we are.
Me:"At what point to I start to worry that you really think you're a wizard?"
Chris:"When I start wearing a robe around."
This is why I married my husband.