Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Lady GaGa finaly died!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
1. Ethan was so ornery to everyone, those poor nurses! Any time they asked Ethan if he needed anything he yelled, "I told you, nyooo!" completely naughty, but hilarious coming out of Ethan in his mumbly voice.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
4. Spencer has been going around telling me to "spank der booms", ( spank there bums). Examples of what he wants me to spank.. a chair, Ethan, his blanket, a flower arrangement, Ethan, the dogs, Ethan, his ball, his sippy cup, and Ethan. Before child services are called, he's just playing. It's a thing my family does, we say, "I'm going to spank your bum", and then we give a nice rump slap.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Funny Hopkins moments
Lucinda (mother in law): "I didn't know you called my family weird."
Halle: "I did Grandma. But, they're not weird they're just old".
2) Halle and I were driving past some cows and Halle asked me why people have cows. So, I told her that some farmers/ranchers raise cattle then sell them to other people or to stores for meat. Halle's response: "Mom, wait a minute. Are you telling me that milk and hamburger BOTH come from cows?"
Me: "That's what I'm telling you."
Halle (now making this weird throaty noise) says: "mom, that's disgusting!"
Me (laughing): "I know, it actually is when you think about it. Are you going to still drink milk and eat hamburger."
Halle: "yep."
3) I was saying to Halle one day after picking her up from school, how old she's getting and fast she's growing up. She looked at me w/ this concern/sass and says, "mom, I'm not dying. I'm just in kindergarten." ....very true.
4) Chris informed me today that he found out that his great-grandma was an alcoholic. (he really knew that, he had just forgot!) Anyways, he told me that that explained everything.
Me: "what does that explain?"
Chris: "why I'm so addicted to Mtn. Dew. Carrie, it's the burn I love!"
Me: nothing was said.....I just laughed.
5) Spence (my youngest) is severely, annoyingly, adorably attached to his blanket. I snuck it away from him and got it washed and dried without him knowing, (I think my friend Micah would know what an accomplishment this really is!) Well, when I went to hand it to him it was still warm. He grabbed it and said, "Hoh, mom. Hot, blow on it." It makes perfect sense, I blow on his food when it's too hot so naturally I would blow on his blanket that was too hot...smart kid.
6) The other day after I got Ethan and Spence buckled in their car seats I went to go let Halle know it was time to go. As I was walking away I heard them start yelling something at each other. My father in law asked me what they were yelling about and I told him I didn't know. Well, as I got closer to the car I heard:
Ethan: "Stop it Dencer (spencer), she's my mommy!"
Spence: "No, she's my mommy."
Ethan apparently can't come up w/ another response so he stares Spencer in the eyes and just starts screaming. Don't worry I broke the fight up and then started it over again when I said, "I'm both your mommy. I'm Halle's mommy too!"
7) We were eating ice cream the other day. Ethan got distracted, of course, and went off to play. Well he came back into the kitchen and looked in his bowl and let out a gasp..
"Mom, my ice cream dead!"
8) Ethan got hurt on his finger and came over to me crying. I picked his finger up and kissed it. After looking at his hand, he grabbed my mouth and pulled it open and said, "Mom, owie gone!"...I AM pretty amazing.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Halle's belated birthday post. I can't believe she's 5!
Where to even begin with Halle. Halle is the most complex 5 year old girl I've EVER met in my life! She is the sassiest, sweetest, girliest, tom-boy you'll ever meet. She has always acted so much older than she is, maybe that's to go w/ the fact that she's always looked 2 years older than she really is. As I was going through all of the pictures w/ Halle in them, I noticed that over 3/4ths of them are Halle hugging or holding one of her brothers...that's Halle. She has always been so maternal and such a great big sister. She adores her family, especially her Grandmas'! She loves to be outside, fishing, camping, and going on picnics with our family. Some of my favorite things she did as a little kid is call bumble bees, "bum bum bees". When we were potty training her, her motivation was gum. She couldn't have it until she actually pooped on the toilet so every day she'd go up to chris and say, "Daddy, don't eat my poop gum, k?
Just recently I had to go to our neighbors house and have a talk w/ our neighbor about Halle peeing on their lawn. They were swimming, she didn't want to walk home ( 2 houses down), so she did what any sensible girl would do....she pulled off the swimsuit and peed. She seriously cracks me up! I'm so grateful for this adorable little girl in my life and the sweet little spirit she has. Our family would not be the same without her...you know, since she runs the show! As frustrating as she can be sometimes Chris and I have said many times that we wouldn't change anything about her, we love her so much and just the way she is. Sass and all.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The bruiser turns 2!
Spencer is totally a Grandpa's boy. He loves his Grandma and mom, but if Grandpa or dad are around, it's all about them.......and did I mention Spencer can swing a bat like a pro?! He usually hits balls on his tee or on the ground, but every once in a while he catches an unsuspecting victim. Case in point............
Who could get mad at that little face? I love this kid to death!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Procrastination= one big blog!
Ryan was frustrated about the hit he had just done....so sad.On memorial day we went to a park, where they had a pond. We had a big bbq and did some fishing. It was a lot of fun, but I loved this picture of Halle and Chris!
After the bbq we went over to the cemetery so we could put some flowers on my dad's, grandma and grandpa's graves. When I was getting the flowers ready earlier in the day Halle came up to me holding a small rose plant that my mom had given her a couple of weeks earlier. Honestly, it had seen better days. She told me that she wanted to give this to Grandpa Loveridge because he would love it! She was right, he would love it. So, she drew a heart on it and then signed her name. In between all of those sassy moments, there is one of the sweetest little girls I've ever seen! Oh how I love her!
The zoo:
This Saturday (for my birthday) kind of...I own it because it was the day before my birthday, and lets be honest that the older you get the more anticlimactic your birthdays get so I need some excitement. So we'll just pretend that we went to the zoo to celebrate me and not the fact that my kids were stoked to see "real" animals. Anyways, we went to the zoo and it was so much fun! This is me and my cute sister in law, Lindsey.
This was more up Spencer's ally. Nice mellow...monkeys. There was this baby orangutan, playing with this sheet. Spence was glued to this thing. The monkey would dip it's "blanket" into the river below, pull it up and then drink it. It was fascinating! Spence loved it up until the monkey dropped it's "blanket". He literally gasped and said, "monkey dopped it's dankut". For 5 minutes he said this. The monkey had moved on, oh but not Spence. This child of mine has a connection with his thumb and blanket and he was so sad for this little monkey..it was so cute.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
'I'm Eee-fan, I'm fee!"
Anyone that knows Ethan has made the same comment about how this is a perfect representation of him. What a stubborn cutie! I love him so much and I'm so grateful to be his mom. Who knew frustration could be so endearing?!