I just got my first tag from my friend, Carly...so here it goes...
8 tv shows i watch:
1. The office
2. The fringe
3. The biggest loser ( not this season though, the contestants are really pissing me off!)
4.30 Rock
5. espn...not by choice!
6. espn2....again not by choice
7. sports center...actually I do enjoy this because Kenny Maines is hilarious!
8. The food network..drive inns, diners and dives, and the iron chef we are valiant watchers of. Also, that gross guy that eats crazy animals and things that shouldn't be eaten. I don't know his name but it's disgusting!
8 things I did yesterday:
1. Woke up while it was still dark outside...I hate that!
2. Changed diapers
3. Raked leaves, played in them with my kids.
4. Went to work....boo!
5. Changed more diapers
6. Made dinner
7. Did dishes
8. Went to sleep way too late. Yes 11:00 is too late for me! It was a really boring Wednesday. You should hear about my Thursdays, they're wild!
8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Chris being done with school, so I can quit my job! Don't worry, I've already given them my 2 year notice....May of 2010 I'm outta there! I like to think I'm that irreplaceable and it will take them that long to find a suitable replacement for me.
2. Thanksgiving
3. Christmas
4. Ethan to be potty trained..I've been putting it off and it's time.
5. The weekend
6. Tax season...I love my kids, especially around jan/feb because they are some good deductions and credits. I love them for other reasons too, calm down.
7. The day when I don't get woken up by kids at night. How sad is it that it's my 4 year old that wakes me up?
8. To be able to make a comment in church without rehearsing it 10 times in my head first.....Oh, I also want to be a powerful speaker like my husband.
8 things on my wish list:
1. My own house
2. Chris to be graduated
3. To be skinny
4. To have more babies, which won't help w/ my number 3 wish. Don't worry, I don't want another one until Chris is finished with school.
5. To be the best mom!
6. To be able to give my husband the bulldog that he wants so bad.
7. Be able to overcome my addiction to reality shows....it's a weakness of mine.
8. I want to be a better member of the church.
8 friends I tag:
1. Jalyce
2. Micah
3. Mandy
4. Heidi
5. Marlyce
6. Brooke
7. Hayley
8. Annie
I'm a little embarrassed that you all know how utterly boring and repetitive my life is. Oh well, at least I like my husband and kids and we can all be bored together.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
You don't love me!
My daughter, Halle, is hilarious! She drives me crazy, good crazy, about 75% of the time! Last night my brother and mom were over watching t.v. w/ chris and I. The movie was starting to get a little gory, and it was getting close to Halle's bed time, so I told her it was time for bed! Unlike my friend Micah's daughter, who suddenly gets paralysis of the legs during her temper tantrums, my daughter starts spewing ridiculous things at me. So....when I told her it was time for bed she started crying and throwing her little temper tantrum. I told her to stop and she looked at me and said, " you don't love me! You don't even like me!" I seriously start laughing about it right now, a day later. The 8 yr old in me wanted to respond and say, "No, no I'm not a big fan of you right now. You're right!" But, don't worry..I told her I always love her even though I didn't like what she was doing...blah, blah, blah. She's ridiculous!
She came up to me tonight, out of the blue, and said: "I'm going to lick your face and kill your boobs!" What? I don't even know if I should laugh or be scared! For all of you who are thinking she overheard me and Chris dirty talking....NO! We're much more imaginative than that!
For as crazy, hectic and loud as my house can get at times. It definitely is never boring! Kids really do say the funniest things!
She came up to me tonight, out of the blue, and said: "I'm going to lick your face and kill your boobs!" What? I don't even know if I should laugh or be scared! For all of you who are thinking she overheard me and Chris dirty talking....NO! We're much more imaginative than that!
For as crazy, hectic and loud as my house can get at times. It definitely is never boring! Kids really do say the funniest things!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Family Pictures
The last family picture we had taken was in 2004 and Halle was 3 months old. 4 years and 2 kids later we decided that it was time that we took another family picture. I had this fun day planned in my head, we were going to have so much fun and our pictures were going to turn out beautiful! Apparently I forgot that we have a 4 yr old, a 2 yr old and a 1 yr old. Seriously, the only word to describe it was CHAOS! Here's the best of the bunch. I tried to find the best pictures of each of us. So, even though it was total chaotic, it turned out to be a success.
Chris and I. The only man that can ever make me feel petite! I would like to point out in our family picture that we look the same height. Those who know me and Chris could tell by looking at the picture that we were obviously on a hill, since Chris is 6' 7" and 9 inches taller than me. This picture is a lot more accurate. I love him!
Halle started crying 2 frames in because she had forgotten how to smile. Really? I didn't know you can forget how to smile, but we have the pictures to prove it folks. I would also like to point out her crazy hair. I had a really cute clip to put in her hair and of course she wouldn't let me put it in, so hence the lion mane. But, other than the crazy hair I think this picture is adorable!
Next I'd like to tell you about Ethan. He was a complete TIRD! I love my son, he is hilarious, but he does what he wants when he wants. He wouldn't look at the camera the entire time for his single shots and the one time he did, we got the following picture...... That's the BEST picture from the whole shoot, but honestly it cracks me up! That is totaly Ethan.
Aaawww Spence! Isn't he adorable? Look at how angelic! Don't let him fool you. He's not quite so sweet and innocent all of the time. Don't get me wrong he is a complete sweetheart and is happy 90% of the time, but the other 10% he is one angry 1 yr old. Quick story...last night I opened our freezer to get something and Spencer was standing right below me. Well, as I opened the freezer door, a package of frozen hot dogs came down on his face! It was so sad! I really almost starting crying because I felt so bad. He started bleeding right below his eye and it was immediately black and blue. Well, he had his head on my shoulder and was crying, when suddenly he lifted his head, cocked his arm back and slapped me right across the face! He then layed his head back down and continued to cry. It was the saddest, funniest thing I've ever experienced. Talk about being honest with your feelings. Now, that is Spence!
My Kids Roles
I've decided that each one of my children play a certain role. I discovered this the other night as we were driving home and we were listening to the radio. Well, there was some music playing that had a real good beat, so I took it upon myself to bust into some moves....mostly the robot. I do a mean robot, if I say so myself. Well, immediately Halle and Spencer start laughing! They are loving it as much as I am! Halle, I think just gets pleasure in seeing me make a fool of myself and Spencer is just my little pleaser. I keep thinking to myself, "oh yeah, I was a dancer born in the wrong body!" I'm minding my own business, popping and locking when from the back my Simon Cowell (American Idol Judge) pipes up, "Ewwwe, stop it mommy!" For all these years I thought I had some really pretty good moves, but it took some honest criticism from my 2 year old, Ethan, to bring me into reality. I now know how all the losers from American Idol feel when Simon dashes their dreams and.......it hurts!
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