Tuesday, April 7, 2009

5 Funny things...

So, I don't want to forget some of the funny things that my kids say and my friend, Micah, had a good idea and writes 5 funny things a week that her kids do or say.....

1. So everytime Ethan is away from me...whether it's a nap, me going to work, him going to nursery for a couple hours...whatever it is, as soon as I see him again he says, "oh I missed you today! Did you miss me?"
2. Ethan will give me HUGE kisses and pull away and say, "Oh HONNNEEEEY".
3. Halle told Chris that she was sorry that she just hit him in the "peanuts".
4. After watching Jurassic Park and hearing what "real" dinosaurs sound like. Ethan has started doing an awful gasping coughing noise, because he's obviously one of the veloceraptors. Chris didn't know what he was doing and asked him if he was ok and needed some water and he said, "Dad, I just playing dinosaurs!"
5. Spencer doesn't say too many funny things yet, but he is a funny kid. He takes it upon himself to discipline Chris when he teases him and he plays the annoying little brother role perfectly. He grabs one of Ethan's toys and takes off, because apparently when you stick your neck out, that means that you're running...I'll have to try it!


Amy Pulley said...

That's a really good idea... I'm going to have to do the same thing. Cute kids, cute kids!

The Engles said...

I hope Chris's "peanuts" are ok.

Kimberlee said...

When do I get to meet these cute kids? Oh right, we were supposed to get together a month ago and I dropped the ball! Promise I'll put something together. I loved the post about your dad too! I MISS YOU!!!

Sharise said...

Haha, Ethan's cough bark thing still scares me sometimes!! Gotta love the kids though :D I wish we could have a constant camera running, cuz pretty sure I'd be laughing nonstop.