Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Kids Roles

I've decided that each one of my children play a certain role. I discovered this the other night as we were driving home and we were listening to the radio. Well, there was some music playing that had a real good beat, so I took it upon myself to bust into some moves....mostly the robot. I do a mean robot, if I say so myself. Well, immediately Halle and Spencer start laughing! They are loving it as much as I am! Halle, I think just gets pleasure in seeing me make a fool of myself and Spencer is just my little pleaser. I keep thinking to myself, "oh yeah, I was a dancer born in the wrong body!" I'm minding my own business, popping and locking when from the back my Simon Cowell (American Idol Judge) pipes up, "Ewwwe, stop it mommy!" For all these years I thought I had some really pretty good moves, but it took some honest criticism from my 2 year old, Ethan, to bring me into reality. I now know how all the losers from American Idol feel when Simon dashes their dreams hurts!


Mandy said...

Oh my gosh you crack me up. What I would give to be there and watch you do the white girl robot.

Sharise said...

He's such a cutie!! It's true, you do have a mean robot. And I can totally see Ethan in the background telling you to quit acting like a dork. I was taking pictures of him today and he kept looking at me like I was the most annoying thing in the world :D Your kids are adorable!!!!